Earth Month takes place in April every year. This annual awareness month is an opportunity to raise awareness and advocate for change around the issues most impacting our planet!
Throughout Earth Month, environmental leaders and activists all around the world present plans, strategies, and solutions for mitigating and preventing further damage to the planet and its resources.
Earth Month, which surrounds the all-important Earth Day on April 22, feels (and arguably is) especially important this year, as our window to make the urgent changes we need to address the climate crisis — from adapting to the damage we can no longer avoid, to preventing the worst-of-the-worst from happening.
And while the urgency surrounding climate action should inspire us all into action during Earth Month and beyond — so should the incredible progress we’re already making and will continue to make.
There are so many inspiring helpers making a real, meaningful difference for our planet, and by extension all the life it sustains, including humanity. We’ll go into the opportunities each of us has to join them in taking action to protect the planet this Earth Month and all year long.